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Reconstructing the Peace (1945 – 1957)

Reconstructing the Peace (1945 – 1957)

The post war decade is a period, in which peoples and countries painfully got back on their feet. The Nobel Peace Prize rewards personalities, who contributed to the reconstruction of a scarred Europe and the creation of a new world order.

Others are honoured for their exemplary action of universal significance, such as Albert Schweitzer, distinguished for his humanitarian work in Africa.

The Pacifists’ Dream (1958 – 1967)
Fighting for Human Rights (1968 – 1979)
Preachers for Peace (1980 – 1990)
The Time of Reconciliation (1991 – 2000)
For a Sustainable World (2001 – 2009)
The Women’s Struggle (2010 – 2018)